Tutaj Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Online Curriculum

$49.99 a month or $499.99 a year

Gi and Nogi Jiu Jitsu Curriculum

  • Free Promotional Curriculum Videos

    3 videos

  • Free Tutaj Promotional Videos

    2 videos

  • Gi Curriculum

    22 videos

    19 Week curriculum including Warm Up and Takedowns
    Week 1: Passing Closed Guard
    Week 2: Passing Open Guard
    Week 3: Passing Half Guard
    Week 4: Side Control Attacks
    Week 5: Knee on Stomach and North South Attacks
    Week 6: Mount Attacks
    Week 7: Back Attacks
    Week 8: Turtle Attacks
    Week 9: Clo...

  • Nogi Curriculum

    21 videos

    20 week curriculum including the Warm Up
    Week 1: Passing Closed Guard
    Week 2: Passing Open Guard
    Week 3: Passing Half Guard
    Week 4: Side Control Attacks
    Week 5: Knee on Stomach, North / South Attacks and Taking Mount
    Week 6: Mount Attacks
    Week 7: Back Attacks
    Week 8: Turtle Attacks
    Week 9...

  • Additional Content

    3 videos